Saturday, May 21, 2011


A representative from Forest Lawn called later in the day on Wednesday and wanted Laura and I to come up on Thursday and make Nana's final arrangements.  Nana had requested no viewing, no funeral, no graveside ceremony...just a simple burial.

We made the long drive from our home to Cypress to meet with them, and they were the very model of professional.  The person we worked with was efficient, very cordial and respectful, and answered all of our questions.  Laura was doing pretty good until it got to the part where he wanted us to go with him upstairs to select a casket.

I told him "That's where I come in..."  He then turned to me, and I'd mentioned that I'd found a casket on Costco, and could they match the price.  He said they couldn't, and that many people go that route.  I went in completely expecting a scrap over the casket, and they're fine with it.

We finished our business with them, and paid for everything.  We then went and visited Papa's grave, and Laura's grandparents' grave.  We made note of how things were engraved on Papa's memorial plate so we could make sure that Nana's will match.  After visiting for a little bit, we made our way back to my truck and started on the long drive home in heavy traffic.  It was a very tiring and draining day.

One thing that was very interesting happened.  When the representative came into the little meeting room, he produced some sort of hand filled out document from his leather dayrunner.  I couldn't see it clearly, but it had all sorts of information written on it.  My guess was that it was the document that the people from Forest Lawn brought out the day before when they collected Nana's body.  Boy, was I wrong.  It was the original information sheet that Nana filled out in June of 1966 when she and Papa had bought their plot!  As we were wrapping up, the representative said that we could keep the information sheet.  I was (and still am) amazed by their document and filing system that can make a nearly 45 year old document look and feel like it was filled out just the day before.

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