The other day when the visiting nurse was checking out Nana, she suggested hospice care as an alternative to having to continually take Nana in to see different doctors. This would provide a means by which a doctor and nurses could continue to come to Nana to evaluate her. So Nana decided to go with it. This started last Thursday...
My big problem with this is that it's hospice care. EOJ EOT exit(0); halt -q margin :0,:1 That's it. Your done. End of the road.
In talking it over with Laura, they (Laura and Nana) felt it would be best for Nana to be able to receive care at home instead of having to go through all of the stuff they need to do when taking Nana out.
So far, we've gotten a new oxygen enricher, new oxygen tanks, new transport chair, and I think they'll be trying to deliver a hospital bed next week. She'll be getting a visiting nurse coming by twice a week, and some sort of assistant two other days of the week. And a doctor will be stopping by from time to time to check up on her.
The good news is that Nana can go off hospice at any time. I first thought that it was a one-way street, or like a roach motel--once you check in you can never check out. Until you Check Out. I'm still not entirely certain about whether or not this is a good thing, but Laura has spoken with several of the people who have come out and she's much more at peace with it now.
I'm really hoping that she can build up enough stamina that she doesn't need all this support, and I certainly hope I'm not disappointed. Things are so crazy hectic in the house right now, we just need to get to some form of stability going. I'm glad that the kids are old enough to mostly take care of themselves, but school work seems to be coming less and less of a priority. Especially as Laura has to spend more and more time daily helping Nana with just simple little things.
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