Saturday, May 21, 2011

Just the day before...

These last few days seem like they've all been merged together into one long blur.  Here's some more on what happened Wednesday.

Nana managed to poke herself in her left eye last week, and Laura had fitted her with an eye patch the day before.  Nana was saying "Arrr" like a good pirate while wearing that eyepatch.  Just the day before.

The hospice nurse got here very quickly on Wednesday.  She was very shocked about Nana, as she had just been out to check on her.  Just the day before.  The hospice nurse was so very helpful on Wednesday.  She had to check Nana's body, then repositioned her in her bed and covered her.  Then she started making phone calls.  Laura and I were in no real shape to do more than just call people and inform them.  Nana seemed to be doing so well just the day before.

It seemed to take a long time for the people from Forest Lawn to come to collect Nana.  I suspect the underestimated the traffic on the freeways, as the mortuary is quite a ways away.  The gentlemen who came were consummate professionals--very understanding, polite, gracious and did their work quickly and efficiently.

Hospice came later in the day to pick up their bed, the oxygen enricher, and some other stuff.  This left us with a nearly empty room and silence.  We'd gotten used to the hum and puff of the oxygen enricher running.  It was a normal noise in the house, and now it's just so quiet in the house.

After the equipment left, our cat was wandering around downstairs making these strange, sad little meows.  Nana's rooms seem so empty, even though they sill contain her stuff.  Quite a change from just the day before.

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